Replacement for Ssh - Mosh (Mobile Shell) Is the Modern Secure Shell - use it starting today
If you are a regular user of ssh, you’re aware of some of its issues:
- ssh breaks when there’s a disconnection and it doesn’t reconnect. I use tmux as a stopgap so I can go back to what I was doing.
- typing on ssh terminal when the remote server is faraway is downright painful becuase the response times are so slow. One has to wait for the characters to be acknowledged by the server.
- and when that time you want to hit a CTRL + C becuase you ran the RSYNC command wrong, it doesn’t accept Control C in time. Worse, the SSH terminal then breaks down.
Enter Mosh and it solves all the said problems and some more. It allows for:
- roaming while you’re connected to the server (fascinating!)
- there’s no lag when typing!
- you can put your laptop to sleep and it reconnects when you wake it up!
Now you do have to install ssh, it runs on top of ssh but its a beautiful experience. You’ll never have to do ssh [email protected], you’ll do mosh [email protected]. Install it and run it today. Go to to learn more, setup and install. And if you’re like me, don’t miss this 10 min video where one of the creators explains it all in ten minutes. Kudos to Keith Winstein and Hari Balakrishnan!